Sunday, August 8, 2010

Neglecting my knitting

This year I signed up for a Sock Club class through my favorite local yarn store Cast Away. The class has been fantastic, but I have been falling behind on getting any of my socks done. There are no excuses, I have just simple been neglecting my knitting.

Here I am modeling my instructor's socks because mine were not done (shame!). Just as I write this I feel the strength of my words and sadly they are not motivating me to knit. I need to get my knitting MOJO back! Other knitters have talked about this very issue. You know loosing their drive, inspiration, umph. Could it be stress? Need for some time off? I don't know. It is just not cool. You know needles don't move on their own.

My unfinished Seaweed Sock designed by Wendy D. Johnson knitted in Malabrigo sock yarn. Knitting this one using the Magic Loop technique. One down second one to go.

Most of the Sock class knitted Pomatomous by Cookie A. I couldn't get the gauge to work and am not knitting on size 000 needles so I am working on my Summer Sox by the same designer using Classic Elite Summer Sox yarn.

We just started the Noro Entrelac Socks about two weeks ago. Knitted in Silk Garden sock yarn using the magic loop technique.
Ok so I will admit these are not simple projects, but still I am an avid knitter with some advanced skills to my credit.

These are some of the projects I finished in the last 12 months... really before nursing school got hectic.

I call this my solution to a bad hair day. This is the Star Crossed Slouchy Beret by Natalie Larson made in Malabrigo Yarn Twist color 56-Olive. Wore it twice before I decided it would look better on Kristine my sister-in-law.

Frosted Diamonds by Stephanie Japel made in Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend color Lava. Love this pattern and more so loved knitting it up in Manos. Stephanie is an amazing designer, knitter and she quilts too.

Felix's Cardigan by Jacki Kelly was knitted in Moda Dea Washable wool. The best one skein project ever. I purchased the buttons on Etsy from butteredparsnips. They really make the cardigan. Gifted to Erin just before Aiden was born.

This is simply a magnificent scarf. Saroyan by Liz Abinante knitted in Yarns Northwest Silk and Merino. In retrospect would have used a different yarn for this project, but I am happy with the color and feel of this scarf.

Cobblestone Pullover by Jared Flood knitted in Brown Sheep Lanaloft Worsted color LL39W was knitted start to finish during the Winter Olympics. Yes that is some fast knitting. Jared Flood is my favorite male knitwear designer of all time.

Since March I have finished one knitted projects. One. :(

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