Saturday, August 21, 2010

Then and now

When I adopted Lily the shelter staff was calling her "Sweetheart" She had arrived to Sonoma County on 5/28/2005 as a transfer from Bakersfield. She was an intact tan/white cattle dog with an estimated age of 9 months (a second vet said she was 12 months old). Her chart described her as loving to play with ball. We know that hasn't changed. When I took her home she was sick with a skin issue. Every night for 10 days I had to bathe her with a medicated shampoo and give her prednisone orally. The vet later thought it was a flea bite allergy. I think she had been in shelters for so long that she couldn't get healthy. She is also very sensitive to food and we do have to watch what she eats. Before she came home she was spayed, but it was evident she had had a litter of puppies.
This is Lily just a few days after bringing her home.

This is Lily now at 45 pounds, healthy, and full grown.

We take her everywhere we go. This picture was taken in Colorado last year.

She is eternally patient. I often wonder what she is thinking.

She loves the couch and is very jealous of the cats. This is what usually happens when we sit to watch a movie. What can I say we have lap animals. Now if I can just get Thomas interested in chickens.

I love her hairy paws.

For the last few weeks we have been doing dog agility training with her. She is a natural. Actually she came to us with training. We, the humans in her life, have been catching up to her skills.

We take her across the street to play most everyday. Her favorite game is fetching. Her Frisbee = hours of play.

Mouth and eyes wide open.

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