Friday, June 25, 2010

White house bees

Bee's at the White House, why not?

Inside The White House - Bees! from The White House on Vimeo.

You might ask why are the bee boxes stacked so high? You have to remember there are small children and a pet dog at the white house. Getting the bee's up off the ground is good to prevent rodents, ants, and other pests from crawling their way into the hive. Stacking also would make it easier to cut the grass around the hive. Yes they White House still has a lawn.

It is not an uncommon practice to stack bee boxes or supers two, three or four high. The idea is to encourage the queen to lay her eggs in the bottom one or two boxes. Place a queen excluder, which is a screen that will not allow the queen to get past (due to the size of her abdomen), then stack the supers an additional two to three boxes high. These top supers will be used by the bees to store honey. This way you can harvest without disturbing the queen and her brood.

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